
I went to lunch with an old friend the other day. One of the things he said, stuck out to me. Let me paraphrase it: “giving money to people doesn’t help. It’s the training, mentoring, and support that people need in order to progress.”

However, this is a shortsighted view and more of a rationalization of why not to share. It presupposes that all men and women will waste the money that is given to them. That’s wrong. In Deuteronomy 15:7 we are told “If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates … thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother;”

In Proverbs 28:27 we are taught that if we give to the poor we will not lack.

In Matthew 19:21 Jesus said “If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor…”

According to the Kauffman Foundation, it is the lack of capital that is the number one barrier to startups.

It’s not training, mentoring, and support that is the #1 barrier. It’s access to capital. It’s unfortunate that those that are wealthy of themselves feel justified in letting their brothers and sisters all around struggle.

He says within himself, I have made good decisions, I went to college, chose a good education path, secured a great job with a great company that would pay me what I’m worth. However, is this wealthy person really any better than another who hasn’t been so fortunate? It wasn’t the wealthy who of their abundance gave donations in the temple that Jesus remarked gave the most, it was the widow who gave her last mites as a donation to God, she gave all she had.

What is the value of a bigger house, another vacation, a new toy if we aren’t concerned about the well being of those around us.

Capitalism is a great thing, but it can be taken too far. When we become siloed from society and feel our only responsibility is to pay tithing, fast offerings, and any charitable donation that will get us a tax break. We aren’t doing enough.

Driving up profits for shareholders is not and should not be the primary target of businesses. In sooo many instances, this leads to smaller paychecks to employees, lower quality products, poorer long term decisions. Profitable businesses that forget about their people who each have a part in making them great are failing society.

We have an opportunity to lift the poor but expect it to come from government or someone else. Look in the mirror, it starts with you. If you have substantial means, look for ways to help someone grow their business and don’t ask for a return, or at least not a high return. Help that business grow and prosper through mentoring, guidance, AND money. Find joy in lifting another. Believe in humanity, believe that those who are not as fortunate as you can do great things in this world too.

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